Friday, 2 May 2014

Two BRAND NEW #FARGO inspired designs - NOW IN STOCK!

"What the heck ya mean?"

Check out these fantastic brand new designs inspired by the 1996 Cohen Brother masterpiece, 'Fargo' Both of which are now in stock and ready to roll - Available individually or as a really super 'twin pack' where you can save £1.00 on each shirt!

Gustafson Motors
Inspired by the car dealership where Jerry Lundegaard's troubles begin. Did I tell you about that optional TruCoat?.... 

Grimsrud and Showalter
The two goons who Jerry hires for his plan. You know as soon as you meet these two that things are not going to go as hoped. Best fire up that woodchipper!

Twin Pack - Save £2.00

The Fargo TV Series (Channel 4 Sunday 9pm)
If if you have not checked out the FARGO TV Show yet, make sure that you do. It's fantastic.....