Thursday, 17 July 2014

BRAND NEW - Aliens & Punisher shirts!

Check out these brand new designs - Hot off the press and in-stock now!

"There's something moving and it 'aint us!"....

First up we have a new Aliens inspired design inspired by the 'M314 Motion Tracker' - A slick, slightly distressed print on Navy.

Pick up yours here!

"Do you know the difference between 'Justice' and 'Punishment'?"....

The second new design this week is inspired by Adi Shankar's amazing short movie 'The Punisher: Dirty Laundry' - The concept was suggested to me by my brother-in-law, Simon.

Pick up yours here!

If you get a chance, check out 'The Punisher: Dirty Laundry' here - Be warned, it's a tad on the violent side....